Will AI change the whole world workforce? 2

Toàn Nguyễn
May 16, 2023
Will AI change the whole world workforce? 2

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming our world at an unprecedented rate and revolutionizing industries across the board. From healthcare to finance to transportation, AI is transforming business processes, enhancing productivity, and creating new opportunities. But with this transformation comes the question: will AI change the whole world workforce?

The workforce has been greatly impacted by industrialization and automation, as seen in the early 1900s when the use of mechanical assistance increased the productivity of farms to the point where only a fraction of the population was needed to produce enough food for the entire country, no longer needed nearly half the population to work on farms. Presently, only 2% of the population is employed in the agricultural sector, yet the food production and availability has significantly increased. So where did the rest of the agricultural workers go? Did they starve? Did they all go on unemployment? 

In fact, every time technology changes, workers are displaced and the overall job market adjusts. Similarly, with every technological advancement, there are likely to be disruptions in the short run, but in the long run, unless someone uses external coercion, it will lead to better, cleaner, more plentiful opportunities.. This will also be the case with the advent of AI.

Manufacturing is one of the industries where AI is already having a significant impact. AI-powered robots are performing tasks that were previously done by humans, resulting in a decrease in low-level jobs in manufacturing but creating new jobs in areas such as AI programming and robotics maintenance.

AI is also transforming healthcare by aiding physicians in diagnosing and treating diseases more accurately and efficiently. However, some healthcare jobs may become automated, such as data entry and administrative tasks.

AI is also changing the way we work, making it easier to work remotely. Virtual assistants and chatbots are managing tasks and answering questions, freeing up time for workers to focus on higher-level tasks. This is especially important in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has led to an increase in remote work and the need for virtual collaboration tools.

While AI has the potential to change the workforce significantly, it is important to note that it will not completely replace human workers. AI still requires human oversight and guidance, and there will always be tasks that require human creativity and decision-making skills.

In conclusion, AI is revolutionizing the world workforce by automating repetitive and low-level tasks, creating new job opportunities, and increasing job satisfaction. However, businesses and policymakers must ensure that workers are equipped with the necessary skills to thrive in a rapidly changing job market. As AI technology continues to advance, it is crucial to prepare the workforce for these changes to maximize its potential benefits.

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